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Writing Dr. Sandra Glahn Writing Dr. Sandra Glahn

5 Lessons I've Learned about Writing

1. Have something worth saying. In his book Culture Care, artist Makoto Fujimura tells a story he confesses may be legendary about a Yale student taking Hebrew from the great Old Testament scholar Brevard Childs. The student, discontent with his grades, asked the scholar how he could raise them. Childs’s answer: “Become a deeper person.”Peggy Noonan writer of seven books on politics, religion, and culture, and weekly columnist for The Wall Street Journal, was at one time the speech writer for the man considered The Great Communicator. In her book Simply Speaking, she says that what moves people in a speech is the logic. The words “Tear down this wall, Mr. Gorbachev” are not all that poetic when taken at face value. But they express something that resonates in the human heart. In the words of Robert Frost, “Something there is that doesn’t love a wall.”In the same way that logic is what moves people in a speech, logic is what moves people in writing. And to have logic, to move people, we must have something worth saying. In fact, probably about 90% of writing is having something worth saying. And how do we get something worth saying? By expanding the world of ideas to which we expose ourselves and by cultivating a rich inner life.2. Decrease your vision. That is, “think local.” Start with your family. Doug Bender, the bestselling author of I Am Second: Real Stories. Changing Lives. wrote a book for an audience of one. When Doug’s wife had a miscarriage, it grieved the Bender’s little girl. So Doug wrote a child’s book about death and loss just for her.My husband’s favorite seminary professor told his students, “Stop thinking you will go out and save the world, and instead become the best family member you can be, the most grateful child of your parents, the greatest and most dependable encourager in your church, the best contributor to your community.” We influence the world one small corner at a time. Cherish the small.In the days when Abraham’s descendants had been carried off from Israel to Babylon, their prophet, Jeremiah, sent a letter to King Nebuchadnezzar for the surviving people in exile. Jeremiah’s counsel: “Build houses and settle down; plant gardens and eat what they produce…. Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile” (Jere. 29:1–7). Seeking the good of the city where we live is always good counsel. So write for your kids, if you have any. Contribute good columns to the local paper. Donate some book reviews for your favorite local web site. Do readings at the library. And do so simply to give back and because you wish to make your corner of the world a better place.3. Read or listen. A lot of people say that to be a good writer you have to read. But that is not totally true. Not everyone can read—even among bestselling writers of worth. Bodie Thoene, who has sold millions of books, has dyslexia, which makes it nearly impossible for her to read. My own husband, who holds a master’s degree from a rigorous program, can hardly read without falling asleep, due to a mild form of dyslexia. But he watches a lot of National Geographic shows and keeps up with the news in non-written forms. Some say that Emily Dickinson's meter draws not on the cadences of authors she read but of hymns she sang.Those who cannot read can listen. And even those of us who do love to read can benefit by hearing. These days I learn aurally from NPR’s book reviews, the weekly podcast of the New York Times Book Review, and at least one Audible book per month. In the past six months, I’ve switched my drive time from passive radio listening to more active listen to books on audio. The list has included mostly fiction such as The Goldfinch, The Invention of Wings, Lila, Gone Girl, and The Fault in Our Stars. But I’ve also enjoyed Unbroken, Quiet, I Am Malala, and Bonhoeffer. I would never have had time simply to sit and read those books.4. Write what contributes to human flourishing, not what you perceive as the next hot market. Trying to predict what will sell is like leaning on cobwebs. Just about the time you find a post to rest against, it gives way. By the time you finish writing a book to meet demand, the market will have left you in the dust. So write what you love to write and/or what you can write with excellence. (Sometimes we must write what we do well to pay the bills, even if it’s not our favorite.) Of the twenty or so books I’ve authored or coauthored, the one that continues to bring the most income is Sexual Intimacy in Marriage. There are fifty shades of books available on the topic of sex that sell many more copies than the one I coauthored. I could have turned up the steam and helped people live less fully human lives. And I probably would be making a lot more money. But the world needs more beautiful relationships, not those that are more hollow.5. Measure success accurately. You will be tempted to measure your own success by a number of externals that have nothing to do with your worth. Tell yourself they are lies.Someone once told me that the only human-made structure visible from space was not the Golden Gate Bridge or the Eiffel Tower or even the tallest building in the world, but only the Great Wall of China. Think of all the amazing structures that “failed” to make that list.But that does not make these structures failures. It just means that when measured by one narrow definition of success, they failed. As writers, any number of false measures can make us feel like losers. Did our last book fail to earn out its advance? Did we do a book tour? Did the work gain rave reviews in Publishers Weekly and Library Journal? These are not accurate measures of whether we can write. Lots of crummy books sell big. Many divergent books make their authors lots of money, but that does not make the books or the authors successes.At one time, I thought doing a book signing would indicate I had really arrived. Imagine my humiliation when I had to share a book-signing table with a famous person who had a long line of fans lined up out the door while I had nobody. Well, okay, one person. But she probably felt sorry for me. Still, that book itself changed some lives for the good. The humiliating signing experience had no correlation with the book’s success or mine.So measure not by money or fame, but in influence on human flourishing. And of course, that is impossible to measure. Which is precisely my point.

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Dr. Sandra Glahn Dr. Sandra Glahn

Olympian Scott Hamilton: I Am Second

Scott Hamilton is an excellent athlete, a terrific commentator, and a wonderful human being. He has known the highest heights and the lowest depths. Top-of-the world success. Cancer. Infertility. Faith. Here he tells his story for "I Am Second."

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Dr. Sandra Glahn Dr. Sandra Glahn

Quite the Week

For the past year I've worked constantly on the national convention for the Evangelical Press Association. I chaired the event May 5-7 at the Sheraton Grand Hotel in Irving. That explains how a week has passed without a blog entry.

Tuesday I had dinner with the board at Hattie's in Oak Cliff, near where Lee Harvey Oswald was arrested. Fantastic restaurant. I ordered the cod flown in that afternoon from the East Coast. Serious yum. Afterward we drove by the theater where the arrest happened.

Wednesday I picked up four data projectors from the media center, and I'm sure I looked like a sherpa loaded down with them in addition to the one I own. A bunch of my DTS journalism students showed up at the hotel about the time I did, and they added good humor to the week.

We kicked off the event on Wednesday night with Ed Stetzer (above) of Lifeway Research. I sat next to him at dinner and enjoyed an interesting conversation. He challenged us to do a better job of using accurate statistics, calling into question the hype about how the last young person has left the church. Young adult church attendance is actually where it was in 1972. He also encouraged us that great movements of God usually happen during difficult times. And he called us to address the fact that sexuality issues are profoundly affecting the church. Time to provide some relevant dialogue.

A local media company arranged an advance viewing of "Get Low," inspired by the true story of a recluse who planned his funeral while he was still alive. The Robert Duvall, Bill Murray, and Sissy Spacek lineup totally works. Murray is not a funny guy in this one. When the flick comes out, see it. We also got to see a preview of the next Narnia film, "Voyage of the Dawn Treader." Looks fantastic.

I caught bits of workshops, but mostly made sure everybody showed up, got introduced, had working technology, stopped on time...

Thursday morning Sue Edwards led devotions, and Thursday night the "I Am Second" people sponsored a night out at the Ranger's Game. Cracker Jacks. Hot dogs. And impeccable weather. Think blue sky, nice breeze, 75 degrees. We won in an exciting two-home-run-in-a-row finale that pulled us ahead 13-12. The crowd was euphoric. Hollywood couldn't have orchestrated an ending that good.

Friday morning Thelma Wells, formerly of Women of Faith, led devotions. That night Anthony Evans' singing brought a standing ovation for only the second time in EPA history. He was followed by Bishop T. D. Jakes. Unlike his TV persona, he seemed very quiet and reflective. He had given some serious thought to what he wanted to say to us, calling us to a higher standard of civility in journalism. Then he took questions for 20 minutes and gave great answers about how we can work for racial reconciliation and other justice issues.

My hubby joined me Wednesday and Friday night. He and my daughter spent the night in our hotel room Friday. And while they slept on Saturday morning, I slipped out to go to DTS's graduation. Our beloved Prof Hendricks retired from classroom service after six decades, making it a bittersweet event. The man is a dear friend, who especially encouraged me at faculty retreats when I was only one of two women present.

I do love singing the roof-raising school song, "Crown Him With Many Crowns," in four-part harmony with that many people. Nothing like it.

I caught a nap at home before heading out again, this time to a reunion dinner with three other women from the Israel trip while EPA prez, Diane McDougall, was in town for EPA. Our friend Cari cooked for us, and then we watched "Fiddler on the Roof" in Israel's honor.

Diane spent the night at my house before heading back to Virginia, and she attended worship with our last Sunday together as a church. We had dwindled to about twenty people and all the options we pursued fell through. Some old friends joined us for the service. Killer.

My daughter gave me a Mother's Day hug and the sound track to "Mamma Mia," which we hope to see in NYC together. That was nice.

So, after that twenty-tissue service and a pot of chili with my family, I took Diane to the airport.

How's that for a week of high highs and low lows?

Today I started teaching a three-week creative writing class. But tonight I sat, vegged, and watched dumb TV shows!

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