Calvin Worship Symposium

The annual Calvin Symposium on Worship is a three-day conference sponsored by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and the Center for Excellence in Preaching. The conference brings together a wide audience of artists, musicians, pastors, scholars, students, worship leaders and planners, and other interested worshipers. People gather from around the world for a time of fellowship, worship, and learning together, seeking to develop their gifts, encourage each other, and renew their commitment to the full ministry of the church. This is not your typical conference. Attendees also experience much of what they study. You can see one example of the conference's ramifications in the video above.The program for the 2017 event has been posted, and presenters include N. T. Wright.I plan to take a group of students for graduate credit (additional readings and some written assignments required in addition to attendance). We rent a house, share meals, and talk about what we've experienced. Dates are January 26–28, 2017 (we fly out on January 25 and return on January 29, weather permitting). Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan.


"Locker Room Banter": A Teachable Moment


"The Student Body": Do Students’ BMI Tests Do More Harm Than Good?