Mark Your Calendar: Walter Brueggemann in Dallas

The public is invited to a free, evening lecture by Walter Brueggemann, renowned author and Bible teacher, on Monday evening, February 1, in Wesley Hall, Highland Park United Methodist Church at 7:30 p.m. His topic: “The Peculiar Gift of the Old Testament.”Dr. Brueggemann is the author of more than 100 books and journal articles. He is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and is professor emeritus at Columbia Theological Seminary. His lecture will be followed by  Q&A, hosted by Perkins Minsters Week. During or prior to the event, if you would like to submit a question related to the Old Testament, you  may  do so via Twitter or Facebook using #MinWeek16 or #FaithQs. Books will be for sale after the event at the welcome desk, and Dr. Brueggemann will be available for a signing.For additional information on Brueggemann, here’s a link to his website.  


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