Go, Julie!

Back in late August I told you about Julie, who was training to run her first marathon to raise money for charity. Like me at one time, Julie's idea of exercise used to be fighting the current when we drained the tub.

But she did it! Julie ran, and she finished well!

You go, girl! (That's her on the far left wearing "estretchy pants.")

Some of you donated. You don't even know her but her helped her anyway. Julie says, "Thank you for donating to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and for supporting me as I ran my first half marathon.

"Here are a few things I have started to learn from the process:

1. We need each other to make a difference in the world.
2. Running is fun.*gulp*
3. Health is one of God's many gifts to us.

"Again, thank you for honoring your loved ones, friends, and cancer patients you may not even know. Thank you for supporting me.

Isn't she the coolest?


A Novel Idea


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